Grand Opening – Campbelltown Office

Saturday, June 3rd 2017, turned out to be a beautiful day for LFCU to celebrate the opening of its fourth office located at 121 Farmshed Rd. Palmyra PA. June 3rd is also the Anniversary date of LFCU serving Lebanon County for a total of 48 years.

The Campbelltown Grand Opening celebration was held from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. Anyone visiting the office received an LFCU Baseball Hat and was served free Hot dogs, and Snow-cones! The Campbelltown Police Department was also on site handing out ID Kits for the kids. We had LFCU Cornhole for the adults and kids, as well as a dunk tank where you tested your luck at dunking the CEO, Jeff Trickett. LFCU raised about $250 with only a handful of people able to dunk him. All proceeds were donated to the Veterans of Lebanon County.

LFCU is proud and excited to be serving the Palmyra/ Campbelltown Community. LFCU plans to help and provide all of our great financial services to its members, and also add growth and support to the surrounding community. LFCU is Local, Loyal, Lebanon.

Grand Opening: Campbelltown Office
121 Farmshed Rd. Palmyra PA 17078

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